Morphing Miss Fisher

Clue: where would you find the loot, the dame, and the most fabulous costumes from the heady 1920s? Answer:  Aha … at the Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Costume Exhibition at Old Government House, of course. I have long been a fan of […]

Going Home by Carmel Elliot

Carmel ElliotCarmel Elliot is a part-time Brisbane events organiser, mother of two grown men and grandmother of two girls and a boy. When she’s not working or babysitting, she likes to paint in oils, but obviously that doesn’t happen very often. by

One of THOSE days

Those days—you know the ones—where everything comes to you easily and naturally and you feel you can conquer the world.  Kids lunches packed, breakfast made, kitchen tidied, children blissfully following the rules without a complaint. On these days you’ve done the washing, […]

The fifty things in my wardrobe

It began when I was confined to the couch with a tummy bug visiting Buenos Aires in November, 2015. My daughter so enjoyed living from a backpack, she said she would shrink her wardrobe to two outfits when she got home. I […]

The dark side of parenting

Last night I had a terrible dream about my daughter, Audrey, and since Jade (my partner) doesn’t want to talk to me about it (he doesn’t like to entertain morbid thoughts about our children, which I fully understand) I thought I would […]

Mavis’s Kitchen – three thumbs up!

After a long sweaty climb to the summit of Mt Warning, I needed a snack. The winding Murwillumbah Road that leads to the national park is rather lacking in convenience stores, and my climbing buddy and I were lured in to Mavis’s […]

Embracing food and bodies

(Pictured: left, at the Regional Flavours Festival and right, with Taryn Brumfitt at the Q&A for her documentary, EMBRACE) We’ve had an amazing week in Brisbane. We have embraced some of the best of our regional produce and we have had a […]

Cold Spiral Carvings by Madison Manning

Madison ManningMadison Manning grew up in Brisbane, and is currently studying English and History within an Education degree. She likes to distract herself with all things artsy as much as she can; reading, writing, drawing, and playing music (violin, guitar and singing). […]

Day tripper

Nothing planned for the weekend? I’ve got you covered. One reason Brisbane is such a liveable city is that it has a multitude of day trips in every direction. Outdoor lovers are especially spoilt for choice with national parks, picturesque waterfalls and […]

An epiphany – Embrace

(Pictured above: Taryn Brumfitt during the making of her documentary, EMBRACE) I’ve had an epiphany of sorts … it came after I attended the documentary EMBRACE and the Q&A with Taryn Brumfitt. This doco is life changing. I wish I had seen […]

Treasure hunter

I became interested in old bottles in 1972.  I had gone on a bushwalking filming trip to Port Davey in remote South West Tasmania with a work team. Our aim was to film around the Davey River that was virtually unexplored since […]

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