Enigmas and kaleidoscopes

Indoors and outdoors! We’ve been sipping free-flowing champers in an underground world before rising to the surface to enjoy the sun and festival in Teneriffe! Cloudy but oh so fine! Cloudland is definitely the place to be …. we couldn’t resist The […]

10 stylish ways to wear the relaxed pant

Above image from: Flaunter  Left: CHORUS label relaxed black pant available from their online store. Right: Soft grey MESOP label relaxed pants available from their online store. The fashion world has changed over the last couple of years and although there are […]

Ice Moon by Carole Horne

Carole HorneAs a writer, news reporter, documentary maker and lifestyle television producer, Carole’s professional raison d’etre for more than 30 years has been uncovering Brisbane’s secrets (both dodgy and delightful). Happily, the latter are in far greater supply! Carole lives in Brisbane’s […]

Finding myself in nature … again

I recently saw a pair of woolen socks like mine in the Launceston museum! But I’m getting ahead of myself, let me explain. I’ve just started getting back into bushwalking and kayaking after 15 years and have discovered as well as needing […]

Anna Dwyer – the gratitude warrior

Anna Dwyer lives and breathes the word gratitude. Every day she finds at least five things to be grateful for and writes them down.  Some are small, like the whisper of wind that whisks through her front porch. Others are bigger such […]

Tears and tiaras

It was a week of highs and lows as we donned our tiaras at the races, but were humbled to join domestic violence campaigner Rosie Batty at the Business Chicks Breakfast. Business Chicks Breakfast with Rosie Batty We felt privileged to be […]

Calling all writing groups and writers

The fourth annual Brisbane Writers’ Group Convention is on again on Sunday 31 July from 9am to 1pm and if you’re a word enthusiast, then you won’t want to miss it. The convention aims to connect individuals and writing groups together face-to-face. […]

A letter to my pre-Kokoda self

It is a wet, rainy, Sunday afternoon in Brisbane as I write this. Tomorrow I am off on one of the biggest adventures of my life, with my husband and son beside me, along with my best friend from school, her husband […]

The Sailor by Carole Horne

Carole HorneAs a writer, news reporter, documentary maker and lifestyle television producer, Carole’s professional raison d’etre for more than 30 years has been uncovering Brisbane’s secrets (both dodgy and delightful). Happily, the latter are in far greater supply! Carole lives in Brisbane’s […]

Six ways for solo travellers to meet people

I’m predominantly a solo traveller. Or I used to be. I can’t count how many times I’ve being asked “Are you going by yourself?” with a look of surprise when I tell people about my next trip. Technically yes—I’m catching a flight […]

Childcare – cogs of the working wheel

With the federal election just around the corner, it’s refreshing to see some of the major parties finally shining some light on the very pressing issue of childcare. As a mum looking to eventually return to work full-time, the current childcare situation […]

Mark Cupples: the business of being slim

The weight loss industry is big business. Chances are if you’ve spent money joining a program to lose weight, you’ve probably tried a couple of other methods too. You’ve probably eaten low fat, no fat, gluten free, dairy free, paleo, high protein, […]

An interview with Killer Queen, Casey Donovan

While waiting to speak with Casey Donovan—singer, actress, author and champion of Indigenous causes—I do the maths. It has been 12 years since as a 16-year-old, she took out the coveted Australian Idol title, beating one of Australia’s other favourite performers, Anthony […]

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