An inspirational documentary about 76 female international scientists on an Antarctic voyage of discovery and hope, has become a must-see movie experience at a time when new releases are few and far between.
Set against the planet’s last untouched wilderness, the documentary, titled THE LEADERSHIP, delivers an unexpected and original reflection on what it takes to be a good leader, while unearthing the systemic obstacles to women’s advancement in science and beyond.
Backed by Women in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine) the film, written and directed by Ili Baré, had its world premiere at Sydney Film Festival going on to play the Melbourne Film Festival.
It is now showing in Queensland exclusively at Dendy Cinemas.
A number of Australian scientists including Dr Meredith Nash, an Associate Professor of Sociology in the School of Social Sciences and Deputy Chair of the Tasmanian University Equity Committee and Dr Justine Shaw, a Research Fellow, Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science, The University of Queensland, were on the trip.
In special interviews with SheSociety they have shared their thoughts of the unique voyage and the career problems facing women scientists world-wide.
Australian CEO and ‘dreamer’ Fabian Dattner, lead the international group of female scientists on the Antarctic voyage with the aim, of transforming them “into the sort of leaders they want to be.”
Fabian is CEO, dreamer and co-founder of Homeward Bound, a transformational leadership initiative for women with a background in STEMM from around the world.
The program has four core development components, or ‘Streams’: leadership, strategy, visibility and science.
These are delivered during a 12-month program, with online content and collaborative learning (11 months), and face-to-face on the ground in Ushuaia, Argentina (pre-voyage) and also on-board ship voyaging to Antarctica.
Additionally, a Wellbeing Team ensures a focus on psychological safety and wellbeing throughout the program.
Fabian’s hope is that once these women are primed to lead in science, they will be able to make meaningful change around the world.
But on board Dattner’s own leadership style and philosophy are both severely tested, as the women’s deeply personal stories of workplace harassment and more are revealed.
Take a look at our interviews with Dr Meredith Nash and Dr Justine Shaw.

SheSociety is a site for the women of Australia to share our stories, our experiences, shared learnings and opportunities to connect.
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