Ways to Reduce Allergens in Your Home

May 27, 2019

Your home is the place where you should feel the most comfortable. Unfortunately, many people don’t rid their houses of allergens like dust and mold. This leads to coughing, itching, dry or itchy eyes, and a runny nose. It’s like having a cold but without the fever or aching body. Also unlike colds, indoor allergies don’t end after a week or so. They’ll stick around until you remove or at least reduce the source of the problem. In more severe cases, allergens cause asthma-like reactions.

Improving the air quality in your home will greatly reduce the allergens and boost your quality of life. This should be your first priority. A good cooling system helps, especially during pollen season. This allows you to keep your windows closed, preventing pollen from blowing inside.

If you need to cool multiple rooms, make sure they’re clean before turning on the air. It’s also a smart idea to have an expert like Deepchill check your ducts and cooling system to make sure they’re in tip-top shape.

A thorough cleaning of your home should be next on the agenda. To make sure you’re reducing as many allergens as possible, take it on a room-by-room basis. By concentrating on one room at a time, you’re less likely to get overwhelmed and more likely to do a thorough cleaning.

The most important room to tackle is the bedroom, and you should target the bed area first. This is because we spend so much time in our beds. Clean extra carefully beneath the bed where dust mites gather. You should also launder the bedding. If your mattress or pillows are older, consider replacing them.

Go over every surface with a rag or device made specifically to attract dust. If not, you could make things worse by scattering dust particles into the air.

For the rest of your house, be sure to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter. This traps dust particles. Remember to vacuum your furniture as well as any carpeting. If you have curtains or drapes, launder those as well.

In each room, clear out any clutter that you find. Clutter attracts dust and makes your space more difficult to clean.

The bathroom needs some attention too — it’s often where you’ll find mildew and mold. Check under the sink and repair any leaks or drips. Check your grout and behind the commode to make sure those areas are clean. Consider using a dehumidifier after running water or taking a shower. This will dry out the room. If you have a basement, you can use the dehumidifier down there for the same reasons. Finally, if you have a shower curtain, check it for mold. If you find any, throw it out and buy a new one.

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