Margaret Agoth interviews Brisbane crime-thriller author, Rachel Amphlett.
As the author of six thriller novels including the Dan Taylor series, Rachel Amphlett may live in Brisbane, but when her hands hit the keyboard, she escapes to daring and thrilling locations, and many of them she has been to in person.
“I live for travel,” Rachel says, “I usually know where I’m going on a holiday two years in advance. To date, I’ve visited 15 countries and now have two passports, UK and Australian… Jason Bourne eat your heart out!”
That passion for adventure reflects in Rachel’s books—fast paced crime and action thrillers featuring dynamic heroes and well-researched plots. This is also the genre Rachel loves to read.
“So it makes sense that I naturally gravitate towards those genres with my own writing,” she says. “I also have a great love of films. Especially thrillers, rom-com, sci-fi, and biopics. I don’t mind admitting I’m scared of horror films.”
The act of writing
As all authors and budding authors know, writing isn’t an easy journey—it requires discipline and Rachel admits to having a very “determined” mindset from the moment she decided to start her very first book.
“My only goal was to get to the point where I could type ‘The End’“,” Rachel says.
“Back then, I didn’t know about outlining and plotting in advance, so it took me a whole seven-and-a-half months to complete the first draft, but I did it.”
Growing up in a book loving family fuelled Rachel’s love for reading and writing. “I wrote my first story at the age of six. Mind you, Mum had to type it up because my writing was so atrocious!”
Writing tips for budding authors
Rachel advices other writers to keep going. “Be stubborn. Don’t give up – and if you feel like giving up, then get yourself along to a writing workshop or something like the Brisbane Writers Festival – it’ll be inspiring, I promise.
“You’ll be surrounded by people who all have the same dreams and fears you do. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and keep learning,” Rachel says.
Another thing that UK-born Rachel loves almost as much as writing her thriller books is her second home, Brisbane.
“There’s a real energy to our city; a feeling that if you set your heart to something and you’re not afraid to work hard for it, you can achieve anything.”
Connect with Rachel on her website or on Facebook: or at Twitter.
Margaret Nyakan Manyang Agoth is a Griffith University Communications student majoring in journalism and public relations.
Coming from a South Sudanese background, Margaret speaks four languages and hopes to become one of the first successful African journalists and business women in Australia.
She also dreams of giving other unfortunate young South Sudanese girls the chance to an education and better way of life.
Loved your book “Three Lives Down” Rachel. It would be great if you could write some tips about how you get your book ready to go to print .Thanks!