Stuck In A Funk

Stuck in a funk? Life in reverse? Time to get a Plan. Some of us know the feeling when life becomes a grind and routine is the main game. It’s like the days just turn into weeks, then into months without much […]

Change Up

Did you hear that Daniel Day Lewis is retiring from acting? THIS A TRAGEDY! Absolute tragedy. What a freakin’ talent. He won three Oscars for Best Actor – the only man ever to do so – and I defy anyone to watch him and […]

The Stepford Underpants

Do you believe in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Dear Reader? I do. Brad Pitt says it so well in the movie Moneyball – adapt or die. You have to keep up with the times. Technology alone, my God! Sometimes by the time I […]

Change… you can do it!

So often I hear the lament of the young… ‘what am I going to do with the rest of my life?’ Or the 30 or 40 something telling me they hate what they are doing… but ‘it is too hard to change […]