Teenage Girls On Diet’s Point To Bigger Issues

Teenage girls who diet are more likely to engage in other health-compromising behaviours, including smoking, binge drinking, and skipping breakfast, according to a study by Canada’s University of Waterloo. The study found that, compared to girls who were not dieting at the […]

Teen Drinkers

Parents who supply alcohol for Schoolies may believe they are exercising control over their kids’ drinking, but in reality they could be aiding riskier and heavier consumption, according to an Australian researcher. Tina Lam told ABC Radio in Perth that surveys of […]

Gap Year

The SheBrisbane team thought it was worth passing on this warning to parents of school leavers contemplating a gap year. Unless it is planned, “forget it”, says a South Australian education expert. Adelaide Advertiser Education Reporter Tim Williams quoted former SA Tertiary Admissions Centre […]