Michael Black: Top Hacks To Help Your Child Succeed At School

June 14, 2024

Children are faced with lots of learning challenges and distractions thanks to social media, diverse school environments, challenging and evolving curriculums and extra-curricular activities. Many parents are turning to tutoring to support their children with school work.

According to Michael Black, founder and CEO of Success Tutoring, while assisting children with additional development activities such as tutoring, it is essential to ensure the home environment is a supportive environment for learning.

“Learning and development should not just happen at school and at tutoring. The home should be a haven for learning and development as well. This ensures the child feels supported and encouraged to learn as a way of life and the learning is reinforced,” Black said.

“This helps to build the foundation for learning and a natural passion for learning.

Reinforcing a child’s learning at home is crucial for their academic success and overall development.

Black provides tips for parents on how to support children at home with learning.

Create a learning-friendly environment at home

“Learning should be supported across all environments including the home. Set up a dedicated, quiet and well-organised space for learning. Ensure it is free from distractions and equipped with necessary supplies such as books, stationery and a computer. Purchase a new set of pencils or a note pad for them with their favourite action hero on the cover to make the space feel even more special,” Black said.

“This will assist your child to undertake study at home in a comfortable, quiet and positive space.”

Establish a routine

“Children thrive on routine. Consistent routines help children understand when it is time to focus on learning. Set specific times for homework, reading and educational activities to create a structured environment. Try and keep the rest of the home quiet during homework and learning times,” Black said.

Incorporate learning into daily activities

“Daily domestic activities can be great learning opportunities. Cooking can teach measurements and fractions, shopping can involve budgeting and math and nature walks can include lessons about science and the environment,” Black said.

“Engage in activities that require active participation, such as experiments, building projects or creative writing. Hands-on activities make learning more memorable and enjoyable.

“Learning is a state of mind and can be included in just about everything we do.”

Encourage reading

“Foster a love for reading by providing a variety of books that match your child’s interests and reading level. Reading together and discussing books can enhance comprehension and critical thinking skills,” Black said.

“Place books around the home so they are visible and accessible. As a parent, read at home in front of your children and share the content of the stories. If your child sees you reading and enjoying it, this promotes a positive view of reading and learning throughout the family.”

Promote use of educational resources

“Encourage your child to utilise educational resources such as educational websites, apps and games that make learning fun and interactive. Many online resources offer personalised learning experiences that can supplement schoolwork and tutoring,” Black said.

“Make sure you have a dictionary and thesaurus on hand for children to utilise. Yes, these are also available online but there is nothing better than physically picking up a book.”

Get involved in homework and assignments

“Make sure you are involved in your child’s homework by offering guidance and support, but avoid doing the work for them. Encourage them to develop problem-solving skills and take responsibility for their assignments,” Black said.

“Keep in touch with your child’s teachers and stay informed about their progress and challenges. Attend school events and parent-teacher meetings to be actively involved in their education. Really immerse yourself in their learning and education.”

Set goals and celebrate achievements

“Help your child set realistic academic goals and track their progress. Celebrate their achievements, no matter how small, to boost their confidence and motivation,” Black said.

“Provide them with lots of emotional support: Ensure your child feels supported and understood. Address any anxieties or frustrations they may have about school work and offer encouragement and reassurance.”

Black emphasised that by incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can create a supportive and enriching learning environment at home that complements and reinforces your child’s school education and tutoring activities.

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