Prevention Is Better Than Cure; Protect Yourself and Your Family This Winter With A Clinically Advanced Immune Booster From Ultra Nature.

May 17, 2023

There’s that old saying if you don’t make time for your wellness you’ll be forced to take time for your sickness, and never are we more acutely reminded of this than when seasonal colds and flus unceremoniously spring themselves upon us.

Ultra Nature was born in the pursuit of wellness and vitality, taking ancient natural extracts utilised for centuries in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicines, and formulating them with cutting edge science, in line with up-to-the-minute clinical research.

One of the key products in the Ultra Nature practitioner range is Immune Defence, a unique formula that includes a combination of patented ingredients Wellmune® and OciBest® plus Quercetin and Vitamin D for increased immune support and reduced inflammation. 

Wellmune™ is a leading natural yeast beta glucan, derived from the cell walls of a proprietary strain of yeast called Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. It is a 100% natural ingredient with clinically proven immunomodulatory effects. When Wellmune® is ingested, immune cells in the gastrointestinal tract take it up and transport it throughout the organs in the body, releasing beta glucan in smaller pieces over a series of days. By spreading throughout the immune system, Wellmune® is able to strengthen major functions, by releasing the natural beta glucan cells throughout the body to trigger immune defences. 

Ocibest™ Commonly known as Holy Basil or Tulsi, is rich in vitamin A & C, Calcium, Zinc, Iron and Chlorophyll. Working together with Quercetin, OcibestTM functions as an adaptogen, helping the body adapt to stress and promote mental balance. Both these nutrients share the same strong antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions. 

Vitamin D3 Activates natural killer cells important in defending the body against foreign pathogens. It plays a key role in supporting a healthy immune function. Vitamin C, Selenium, and Zinc all combine to maintain the integrity of your body’s immune system.

Ultra Nature puts Science First and takes healthcare seriously. Formulated by leading pharmaceutical experts, Immune Defence is based on sound scientific principles, is clinically researched and offers proven solutions in therapeutic doses.

Support immunity + relieve symptoms + increase anti-inflammatory activity with Ultra Nature Immune Defence. 

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