1. Block all drafts – Check to see there are no windows that don’t close well and let the draft in.
A good bedtime routine is a start to a restful night sleep. No TV or screens at least half to one hour before wind down.
2. A nice warm shower or bath before bedtime is a good way to start keeping warm all night.
3. Keep your room temperature between 18 to 21 degrees.
4. Use a humidifier to make a cold room feel warmer.
A humidifier will raise the humidity: The air can be very dry in the winter. The increased humidity will not only solve the dryness problem, it can also make a cold room feel warmer.
5. Use flannel sheets.
Flannel is a great insulator and helps to retain your body heat. Other materials that hold heat well are wool, fleece, or silk.
Merino wool blankets are the best to keep you warm n those cold nights and cold mornings or a down thick doona/comforter.
6. A hot water bottle or bean bag
A good way to get your bed warm is to use a hot water bottle or a bean bag.
7. What to wear to bed?
Flannel PJs or onsie with a long sleeve vest underneath is the way to go.
Babies are best to wear a sleep sack to keep them warm.
8. The secret to sleep is as simple as wearing socks.
Warm cozy feet are a natural human sedative so pop on a pair od socks.
9. What to drink to help you relax and getting into sleep mode.
Before bed our babies always have milk.
For toddler, teens and adults. Any drink that has a high magnesium is good to have before bed.
Ovaltine mixed with warm milk will help with relaxation and get a good night sleep.
Warm milk with honey can also work wonders.
Herbal blend teas, such as chamomile and lavender contains glycine, an amino acid that acts as a mild sedative, aiding relaxation and our ability to fall asleep .
10. The after dinner snacks that promotes sleep?
Kiwis and Cherries (if you can find them in Winter)- Loaded with vitamin C, kiwifruit has potent antioxidant properties, is high in vitamin B6, fibre and serotonin.
Nuts are a great source of healthy fats and plant-based protein. Walnuts are an excellent source of tryptophan and one of the best food sources of melatonin, while almonds are high in magnesium and calcium. Certain foods can help synthesize a sleep-enhancing chemical called tryptophan, which helps our bodies make melatonin and serotonin; the hormones that regulate our sleep-wake cycles.
Turkey, peanut butter and nuts to name a few are an excellent source of tryptophan and one of the best food sources of melatonin, while almonds are high in magnesium and calcium.
SheSociety is a site for the women of Australia to share our stories, our experiences, shared learnings and opportunities to connect.
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