If you’re looking for your breast cleavage shots, then the iPhone has got you covered, storing any photos that feature either your boobs or your bras into their own category. Just by typing in ‘brassiere’ into the search bar of your photo album, you will then be privy to your own collection of cleavage shots. In what can only be described as memories of your mammaries, this discovery has created a stir, with American model, Chrissy Teigen finding out about the feature for herself.
It’s true. If u type in “brassiere” in the search of your iphotos, it has a category for every boob or cleavage pic you’ve ever taken. Why. pic.twitter.com/KWWmJoRneJ
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) October 31, 2017
According to website Whimn, the little-known feature was introduced with the launch of i0S 10 in mid-2016, when Apple’s iPhone Photos app began using metadata analysis and image-recognition technology to sort users’ photos automatically and tag them for easy extraction. There are thousands of objects your iPhone can identify. Categories include everything from various animals, food and fashion to inanimate objects like furniture and all of those sunset snaps you’ve taken.
According to some Twitter users, the feature is a little unsettling, with some feeling as if they’ve been violated.
User @Sophoejade98_ tweeted: “Typing brassiere into you photo album search bar and seeing what photos Apple have saved in that file freaks me out a bit.”
Another user asked: “How do we keep this from happening? I feel really really violated.”
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