The Influence of Collagen

September 7, 2022

When SheSociety Editor, Bec saw that Body Science was bringing out a range that included the addition of collagen we must admit, she had her doubts and so did we. Bec’s husband has been a true believer of all Body Science products and has a permanent subscription to their protein shakes and post workout recovery. We know this as their products arrive every month at the office in HUGE  heavy containers, and we watch Bec struggle to carry it to her car to take them home to her hubby.

Scrolling through current newsfeeds of influencers that flog the hell out collagen supplements it’s not hard to have your doubts. They always seem to be able to sell that their hair, nails and skin is looking so AMAZING from their ‘collagen’ supplements yet deep down we know that their hair is actually hair extensions, their nails are fake and their skin is treated by a new beauty salon each week that is giving them free treatments for comments so…pretty sure its not the collagen! Not dissing the influencer at all, we love following along on their newsfeeds and we even try out some of their products they shout out about however, there is just something about beauty and health based products that make us feel uneasy when it comes to an influencer.

When our editor Bec read about Body Science’s research into the addition of peptide collagen into their range, she was chatting about in a morning meeting wondering our thoughts on what exactly we all thought collagen was. Most of us said hair, skin and nails repairer and skin supplement. However what most of us didn’t know was that the science around what Body Science creates in their products has all the research that is needed to help us understand exactly what is in the product and why it’s beneficial for our bodies.

Like, did you know that not all collagen is created equally, and only researched specific bio-active collagen peptides are vital for premium recovery from the conditions that athletes find their bodies to be in, at any given time? We certainly didn’t.  Beauty is from the inside out and the recovery of the body across all elements of day to day life can only be aided with a supplement such as Body Science’s inclusion of a peptide collagen that is created to provide a world first ingredient that is scientifically validated.

We are all about validation in this office, so we can’t wait to see how these different supplements might aid our bodies for the better.

I have no doubt that as soon as these products start working their magic, we will be seeing Bec subscribing to her own Body Science supplement subscription. The good thing is, she will probably be so strong and healthy she will be throwing them into the car!

For more information, head to

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