My not so guilty pleasure on a Sunday night is popping the bubbles and sitting down to watch the glitz and glamour that is The Real Housewives of Melbourne. It never fails to entertain. Some love it, some hate it; but it is impossible to look away. The undisputed Queen Bee of the series is the fierce and fearless, Gina Liano.
Gina is unapologetically over the top. She loves sparkles, teetering heels, big hair, and lots of makeup. Yet, underneath this polished façade is an equally intimidating intellect. Gina is a barrister by day who studied long and hard to achieve her goals and this makes it very hard for the other ladies in the series to win an argument against her.
She has also used her profile on the show to embrace new career paths. Gina was one of the contestants on Celebrity Apprentice. She has appeared on Neighbours, launched her biography, Fearless, as well as having her own signature range of shoes. Gina has now brought her new perfume simply titled, Gina, to Queensland.
I went along to the Queen Street Mall for the launch of her perfume, which is surprisingly light and pretty. Gina chose all the ingredients and had the final say on the product.

I was surprised at the eclectic mix of people who had come along to get a glimpse of Gina and have their perfume, books and posters signed – mums, businessmen, glamazons and school students. Gina had time for everyone and the Gina you see on telly is the one you get … minus any swearing today.
When asked what was next, Gina says, “I’m creating a tanning lotion, make-up line and hopefully being signed again for the fourth season of Real Housewives of Melbourne.”
She has also signed on to play the wicked stepmother in the stage production of Cinderella, being performed in Sydney in July. Is there nothing this girl can’t do?
It’s inspiring to know that there are smart women like Gina out there, who are embracing every opportunity that comes their way and living life in a fabulously sparkly way.
Who do you admire for their pluckiness?

Michelle Beesley is a Brisbane born and bred former primary school teacher. A wife, proud grandma and mother of three grown sons, Michelle is thrilled to have recently published her debut contemporary romance novel, It Happened in Paris, with Serenade Publishing. Her novella – Escape to D’ Amour was published in 2019. Michelle’s work can be found in the anthologies – Destination Romance and Short & Sweet. When not reading or writing Michelle can be found at a coffee shop chatting with friends, front row at a fashion show, or beside a rugby union field cheering on her favourite teams.
Michelle is a reluctant traveller, Francophile, keen walker and avid yoga enthusiast plus a book, film and theatre lover who loves everything pink and sparkly (including champagne). You can find Michelle on instagram @michellebeesley_writer and her website: michellebeesley.com.
It is amazing how busy people like Gina always find time to do more. Thanks Michelle