Enriched versus a rich lifestyle
On my return from my overseas trip, I wrote about how the travel refocused me – made me review my life and question if anything needed to be done to change it. One of the things I noticed was that as a […]
On my return from my overseas trip, I wrote about how the travel refocused me – made me review my life and question if anything needed to be done to change it. One of the things I noticed was that as a […]
I recently celebrated another birthday. And when I say ‘celebrated’, I really mean it. I just LOVE birthdays! The world seems to fall into two different camps when it comes to birthdays: you either love them or ignore them. For me, it’s […]
Most people don’t achieve the goals they set at the start of the year. So what is the difference between those people and highly successful people that do achieve their goals? It’s a common misconception that successful people are more motivated; to […]
Okay, I know this won’t go down well with other mothers but let me declare upfront that I am a mother myself. My kids are now in their teens, but when they were younger, I can’t remember ever seeing a pram parking […]
Ever dreamed of becoming a bestselling author? If you have, you’re certainly not alone. There are millions of books listed on Amazon and therefore, millions of authors. And I’m one of them. But what is the journey really like? I wrote that […]
Are you quick to blame others? Are the usual suspects—those close at hand—often the recipients of your frustration? Sometimes accidents are just accidents. Right? That’s what I’ve always believed. If there’s one thing I hate (okay there’s no real ‘if’ there) – […]
With Australian women having babies later in life, they are also returning to work at an older age. And that may mean starting all over at 40-plus in the job-seeking market. “It is daunting,” says Jacqueline Smart Ferguson, who recently facilitated the […]
An unfortunate thing happened before I got married… I had my cards and palm read by a clairvoyant. Let me just say upfront that I’m not in the practice of visiting clairvoyants—sure I’ve been to the occasional one when I was a […]
I was having coffee with a younger friend of mine recently and she told me that she had changed her surname. I presumed that as she was recently separated that she had reverted to her maiden name… but no she had chosen […]
So often I hear the lament of the young… ‘what am I going to do with the rest of my life?’ Or the 30 or 40 something telling me they hate what they are doing… but ‘it is too hard to change […]
So you’re not a ‘couple’… trust me, I have spent many Valentines Day’s in the state of singledom and I have to say, sometimes they are the best ones. What better way to show the love then to have some quality time […]
I’m sorry, but I just want to hear the words ‘sorry’. Could someone please take responsibility and say they are sorry? Is it just me or does it seem like the world is programmed for denial? My best friend during a time […]
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