STOP: so it is a grey day, but before you put on the same dull, drab winter attire, consider these tips to lift your mood and add a little radiance to your winter wardrobe.
- Paint on rich red lippy and see your face light up when you look in the mirror;
- Sling a bright handbag over that dark shouldered coat;
- Adorn yourself with a fabulous necklace – it’s sure to add sparkle;
- Use scarves and shawls to wrap yourself up in vibrancy;
- Don a cute colourful hat – not only will it keep you warm, it will add a unique sense of style to your outfit;
- Wear a bright shirt under your work jacket;
- Find a pair of velvet gloves and flash them around on the bus;
- You could flash this next tip around too – although you may get arrested … wear svelte sexy autumn toned lingerie under your winter heavies – you’re bound to feel lusciously feminine;
- Now get out those toe pinkies and paint, paint, paint – who says you need to see them;
The sheer act of varnishing will evoke joy. - Slip a wide vivid bangle over a dark skivvy;
- Step into coloured boots or shoes, depending on the hue, you may feel like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, and that’s bound to have you humming a happy tune.
- My personal favourite – slide into a deliciously devilish pair of funky tights or leggings! They add oomph to any outfit, especially with knee high boots!
But wait we’re not finished yet!
- Be sure to ask for the brightest cup as you sit street-side for that coffee on the way to work – it will add a little zing to your mood and people are bound to smile when they walk by … you’ll be looking fabulous after all!
And herein lies my final tip:
Remember to SMILE. Spring will be here before you know it.

Mary is a visual and verbal communications specialist with a passion for writing, designing and inspiring others. She runs a Graphic Design & Writing Business, compiles articles and blogs, and motivates as many people as she can along the way, including her two beautiful children. Her life is a never-ending work in progress and she wouldn’t have it any other way because SHE is in charge of her destiny!
Mary’s Motivational Blog (a work in progress): http://positivityaplenty.blogspot.com.au/
Graphic Design & Writing Business:
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