Did you make a plan this year? I did and it appears from my mid-year review—fingers crossed—that I have met some of my objectives, and the others I can justify not reaching.
It is healthy to question
There will be times when you question what you are doing with your life, why you are doing it and if it is worth it. In previous She Brisbane columns I have talked about planning your life, options, review, goals, and even your faith.
We all need a sense of purpose and achievement and if it’s not happening, then you should question why and confront the reasons.
It is important to think about these things, but also important to keep a balance and be realistic as you cannot consistently maintain everything. Your daily demands drain you—physically and emotionally— and down time is important.
- Be a little selfish;
- Allocate some ‘me time’, guilt-free;
- Ask yourself honestly, what have you achieved so far and was it part of your plan?
- Review your finances. If finances are in order then life has more order.
Where I am at:
Personally and in preparation for my accountant I can see that my situation has improved and I can live with the goals that I have missed. For example:
- My credit cards are under control;
- I buy less clothes;
- I’ve reduced my loans to a manageable state;
- I have consolidated most of my investments; and,
- I’m about to put more into superannuation.
The goals I have missed, I can excuse as I have allowed more quiet time in my life and traded off one goal to reach another. For example:
- I took up dancing and sacrificed my French lessons. I needed more exercise from sitting too much at a desk each day. Dancing has become an enjoyable exercise where I also have fun;
- I still plan to return to French lessons and I continue to listen to my French CD in the car; and,
- I am also writing a lot more and She Brisbane has been a huge motivator.
There’s time for redemption
Do you honestly know what your status is or do you have that dreaded lingering shadow of guilt?
Either way, you have time for redemption. You have a chance to avoid what could be an irreversible state of decline. You have another six month until the end of the calendar year!
Even if you had a mental plan can you honestly say you have achieved at least one or more of your goals? I’m sure you can!
The challenge, should you choose to accept it…
Give some thought to the following … what have you achieved financially, personally, emotionally and physically this half year gone?
Now, what do you want to achieve?

Ruth Greening holds a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Psychology & Philosophy. Before retirement, she worked for over 40 years in the corporate world in Melbourne and Brisbane and progressed into senior management positions and project roles for both private industry and government.
In her 70’s, she continues in casual roles as a freelance writer, model, and actor participating in small movies, TV commercials and User Generated Content.
As a grandmother, she is known as Nanny Babe to her grandchildren and writes from a Baby Boomer perspective on her blog www.nannybabe.com. An avid crafter Ruth actively participates in sewing, crocheting and knitting.
While she continues to pursue her artistic passions, Ruth is dedicated to maintaining her health and fitness as she ages by attending the gym, dancing and walking and thrives on mentoring others.
Connect with Ruth or our moniker Nanny Babe; nannybabegengp.blogspot.com.au/
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