Modern Food Trends

Compared to the era of the cave people, food is more than just a means of survival. The culinary landscape is vast, constantly evolving, and highly creative. Eating is now associated with heightened experiences, and has become a means of expression and […]

A Dose of Vitamin D

As we enter the cooler months and the days shorten, it’s no longer quite so easy to soak up the sun’s rays. That typically means a drop in the level of vitamin D in your body. So, should you worry if you’re […]

Why Pilates Is One Of The Greatest Workouts

Pilates has become a worldwide phenomenon, with over 12 million people practising the exercise. It is designed to elongate, strengthen and restore the body to its natural balance. Based upon an anatomical understanding of the skeletal and muscular systems. I believe Pilates […]

The Ultimate Anti-Ageing Product Has Arrived

As we grow older, the health of our bones, joints, muscles and teeth often deteriorate. We need more than just calcium to keep us strong. Lumity’s two-step, innovative supplement not only addresses issues with hair, skin and nails, but it also helps strengthen the […]

Broken Heart Syndrome Is Real

Intense emotional stress caused by a break up, the death of a loved one or even workplace bullying can “stun” the heart and cause temporary heart failure. Known as broken heart syndrome, it feels like having a heart attack and is a […]

Getting Your Body Back Post Baby

Looking to get back into training after having a baby? Here is a transformation story to inspire you from Wilda Fox. Finding out I was pregnant was one of the most emotional occasions of my life, excitement and fear of the unknown […]

Easy & Healthy Side Dishes For Dinner

When dinner time arrives deciding on the meat, fish or vegetarian main option is the easy part. But deciding what side dish to serve can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I love salads as side dishes and […]

Stretching After A Workout

Sometimes we don’t have time to spend 5 more minutes in the gym to stretch after our workout, or we think that stretches are not as important as people say. But the truth is that stretches are key to reduce muscle fatigue […]

Why Fitness Trackers Are Important For Seniors

What is a fitness tracker? Definition extracted from the internet PC Magazine: “a wrist-worn device that can detect some combination of walking steps, running distance, heart rate, sleep patterns and swimming laps. Fitness bands interact via Bluetooth with an app in a […]

Focus on Function Not Fitspo

Images of fit, toned bodies on social media claim to provide fitness inspiration, but many millions of photos tagged #fitspo could be having the opposite effect. According to a new study by Flinders University, women who are exposed to campaigns encouraging functional […]

Digital Detox

This is the perfect time to take a social media break, to free yourself of all the drama and start afresh. It doesn’t matter if you switch off for a couple hours or a couple of days, ridding yourself of the constant […]

Ways To Keep Your New Years Resolutions

The start of a new year is, of course, the perfect time for a fresh start. There’s the metaphorical power, plus the numerical ease of counting days and months of success from Jan 1. But balanced against the celebratory excess and indulgence […]

Please Donate Blood Now!

Australians are being urged to give blood this holiday season, with supplies at risk of running critically low. With many regular blood donors taking a break over the festive season, the Australian Red Cross Blood Service is in desperate need of 4000 donors. […]

East Timor’s Contraceptive Ban

A draft family-planning policy before the Government in Dili would force unmarried women and girls to use only natural methods which many argue increase the risks of unwanted pregnancy, particularly among young and poorly educated women. In a country where teenage pregnancy […]

Lifestyle Changes That Could Prevent Cancer

About 16,700 Australians each year are inflicting fatal cancer upon themselves by taking up a series of risky behaviours, and at a greater rate than any other country, new research has found, reports Isobel Roe of ABC news. QIMR Berghofer Medical Research […]

Contraception Causes Alarm

There are growing fears about serious side-effects from two popular contraceptive devices on the market with claims they are being glossed over by pharmaceutical companies, according to a report on ABC radio. An ABC investigation has found women around the country are […]

Say Goodbye To The Pap Smear

Pap smears are no one’s idea of a good time, but they are a very necessary in preventing deaths from cervical cancer. From 1 December, however, there are big changes to Australia’s national cervical screening program and the Pap smear as you […]

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